A Swift Playground aiming to provide some functional helpers to parse arguments for command line tools. It uses Overture and is build for high composability, flexibility and little impact on your project’s freedom to evolve.
A central use case was Archery’s: only actually interpreted arguments shall be consumed. Any others shall be collected (remaining
) or should prevent execution (exhaust
), depending on the current command.
First of all an example usage.
// Experiment
do {
let (isVerbose, whoToGreet, language, _) = try with(["-v", "hi", "Some string", "--language", "en"], chain(
flag("verbose", "v"),
argument("language", "l"),
} catch {
print("Command failed:", error)
The implementation of the micro-library itself.
// Errors
private func quoted(_ string: String) -> String {
return "\"\(string)\""
public protocol StringConvertibleError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {}
public struct MissingArgumentError: StringConvertibleError {
public let name: String?
public var description: String {
return with(name, pipe(
map { "Missing argument \($0)" },
??"Missing argument"
public struct NonExhaustiveArgumentsError: StringConvertibleError {
public let remaining: [String]
public var description: String {
return "Unused arguments: \(remaining)"
// Domain
private func isArgument(named name: String) -> (String) -> Bool {
return { $0 == "-\(name)" || $0 == "--\(name)" }
private func isOneArgument(of names: [String]) -> (String) -> Bool {
return { passed in
.reduce(false, { $0 || $1(passed) })
private func indexOfArguments(named names: [String]) -> ([String]) -> Array<String>.Index? {
return { passed in
passed.index(where: isOneArgument(of: names))
public func flag(_ names: String...) -> ([String]) -> ([String], Bool) {
return { arguments in
if let index = arguments.index(where: isOneArgument(of: names)) {
var result = arguments
result.remove(at: index)
return (result, true)
} else {
return (arguments, false)
public func positional(_ name: String? = nil) -> ([String]) throws -> ([String], String) {
return { arguments in
let index = arguments.index(where: { !$0.starts(with: "-")})
if let index = index {
var result = arguments
result.remove(at: index)
return (result, arguments[index])
} else {
throw MissingArgumentError(name: name)
public func optional<A>(_ f: @escaping ([String]) throws -> ([String], A)) -> ([String]) throws -> ([String], A?) {
return { arguments in
do {
let (remaining, parsed) = try f(arguments)
return (remaining, .some(parsed))
} catch is MissingArgumentError {
return (arguments, nil)
} catch {
throw error
public func argument(_ names: String...) -> ([String]) throws -> ([String], String) {
return { arguments in
if let flagIndex = indexOfArguments(named: names)(arguments), arguments.count >= flagIndex + 2 {
let value = arguments[flagIndex + 1]
var rest = arguments
rest.remove(at: flagIndex + 1)
rest.remove(at: flagIndex)
return (rest, value)
} else {
throw MissingArgumentError(name: names.first)
public func exhaust(_ arguments: [String]) throws -> ([String], Void) {
if arguments.isEmpty {
return ([], ())
} else {
throw NonExhaustiveArgumentsError(remaining: arguments)
public func remaining(_ arguments: [String]) -> ([String], [String]) {
return ([], arguments)
What’s next?
The same concept could be applied to processes and especially handling interrupts:
with(Process(), concat(
setBashCommand("") // is { concat(setLaunchPath("/bin/bash"), setArguments(["-c", $0]) }